You may have probably heard of the ancient saying: size matters.
Well, that saying was invented back in the day when bigger meant better.
But in today’s ultra-compact and miniaturized society, big has become equated to bulky, wasteful and expensive.
The same applies for digital cameras.
Smaller digital cameras, like the Canon elph digital camera, have become the trend for picture taking. And there are good reasons for it too:
• Easy to use
The main reason why smaller cameras like the Canon elph digital camera are the new trend is because they’re user-friendly.
You don’t need to memorize the manual on lens-selection, focusing, and film-selection to get the job done.
A simple press of the button yields a picture that you can use right when you need it.
Although these user-friendly cameras aren’t as powerful or as specifically crafted as the more technical and professional cameras, you won’t be sacrificing much in terms of picture quality.
Leave the professional gear to the professionals, and get the user-friendly versions if you don’t plan to make a career out of picture taking.
• Easy to store
Which is easier to store and carry around: a Canon elph digital camera that is as wide as your hand and weighs as much, or a professional camera that’s as big as your head and weighs as much too?
If you’re a tourist or travel a lot, you may want to keep things light.
Weight and storability are major factors to consider for picture-taking purposes, and you definitely don’t want a heavy piece of electronics dangling down your neck as you trek through the jungles of some exotic island somewhere in the Pacific.
• Easy to share
Yet another advantage that cameras like the Canon elph digital cameras have is their ability to hook up to computers and other image-storing devices.
Such images can then be easily shared through flash drives, memory sticks or the Internet to those whom you’d want to share the pictures with.
It’s a definite improvement over having to send a bunch of pictures by mail to those who you’d want to share them with.
Not only is it less time consuming, but it’s also much cheaper as well: imagine the costs of having to develop a few dozen pictures for your family.
That’s definitely nothing to sneeze at.
• Easy to add features
One thing that sets a Canon elph digital camera apart is the ability to edit and add features to the photo-taking experience: you add a sepia touch to a scene to add a little old-style feel to it, or you can opt for a more striking effect by enriching the colors to a picture.
With the ability to manipulate colors and effects, you’re now given the ability to add a little creative touch to the pictures you take.
You can make a scenic shot more dramatic, or you can make a night-shot more vibrant and visible.
It’s up to you and your creative juices.
These smaller cameras which are easier to use, store, share and add features are a definite improvement over their larger, more ancient cousins.
Thus, size really doesn’t matter: it’s what’s inside that counts.
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